Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mother Earth

Since billions years ago, an explosion happened and solar system formed. This is so called The Big Bang Theory. earth was born after the explosion, so do other planets. Sun is the core, and all of the planets in solar system are surrounding it, orbiting. Well, the only planet that support life, is our mother earth. After countless of centuries, mother earth has raised incalculable type of species of living things. During mankind ages, human beings have tried to discover and gather all of the species that has been found and yet not all of it has been seen by human eyes. This proves how vastly the diversity of the earth’s living thing it has reared.
However, as my topic has shown, mother earth needs to be saved, but why? The reason would be after years and years of improving in advancement of human being’s technology, economic and increasing in population, global consumption as well as waste products, earth has been terribly polluted. Still, some people are still oblivious about it. In this blog, I am going to talk about some of the damages that have caused by human being to our mother earth, as well as ways of recovering or conserving it. 

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